Sunday, April 15, 2007

How responsible are we?

One incident in office. There was some problem with the UPS and so the systems went down even with the power up. This happened for a week and when our luck was bad twice or thrice that day. And even till today we didnt get any mail explaining the cause or atleast informing the remedy time. Definitely there should be someone to take the ownership of the same and if none is the owner... very soon everyone needs to move out of the company.

Not just this thing in my office, many such things keep happening every day in everyone's life. Its not that they go unnnoticed, its just that we got acquinted. Acquinted to take things granted. Its ok, bade bade deshon mein aisi choti choti galitiyan hote rahte hain. No.. there nothing like a big mistake or a small mistake. Theres only right and wrong. Its not a direction to say north-west or more 36'north 24"east. Some thing can be done right and if its not done right its wrong.

Take responsibility, Start not doing wrong, Start informing others if they are wrong keeping aside if they follow or not, Start behaving HUMAN.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Idiots in Bangalore- Photo Blog

I have a car, but I dont have commonsense

This is the public dustbin in the very famous MG Road and that too beside Passport office.

Footpath can be used for my bikes feet too

I am a sheep, I just follow others without thinking

No Parking? What does that mean??

I am intelligent than those stopped on roads!!

I dont bother if others get disturbed, I want to be comfortable.

Monday, March 05, 2007

going WILD

(Note: I think this is for 13+ only. So go on if you are atleast 13 years old)

Am I seeing it wrong is it going wrong??

Work pressure, mental tensions or other disturbances, I dont know what the reason is. But I see people desperate about/for sex. I cant quote much on female category, but what I heard and saw about male is astonishing. The reasons can be lot more. Intrusion of western culture, early independence to the young, over pay etc. may also be some reasons.

Just see in any park, you do find lots of pairs(I dont want to say what kind of) sitting around. None has the minimum sense that there are others too who come to and thru the park. Lust flowing over love is what you see there. Its ok or normal now in Bangalore for every one. This fact was once a shock, later an interesting news and now its normal.

What more for new paragraph?? Yes it is what made me start this writing. ****k Nagar(sensored so that people of that place dont get hurt) is the place for two incidents I am going to say. I do walk daily from office to home, a road streching 6km and thru *k Nagar. Because of army quarters and office there is a 1km or more free road. I was walking on footpath and few feat ahead of me I saw a person walking, but his hands moving differently. I walked a bit fast than normal to reach the bus stop there. Then I turned back to see what he was doing... and by now you might have understood. He was mastrubating on road !!! I dont know if he was educated or if he lost sense or what ever, but there are people who look ok, who are educated and who still lose sense.

This is one such example. A friend of mine came to me expressing a problem with his room mate(rm). Its not so in India atleast to feel its common. His rm somehow recently got indulged in a gay-ship and is trying it on him. He and rm were good friends, and now they are not. Rm loses more of his friends now who hear this story. Every one feels he's sick and needs a Psychiatrist.

One more story which happened few days back. Lucky me, I am big enough to be secure on my own. This is the second incident I mentioned. I was walking and its just before reaching *k Nagar, a man on activa asked me for a route and I directed him. He offered me lift if I was going in the same direction. I gladly agreed and as we moved on, he started talking so immediately and so much as if we were friends. Later he moved to enquiries on age and sex and every thing else(sensored). I asked him to stop the vehicle, got down. Started walking again...

I think there are lots more such things going on. May be you can see a part 2 or part n of this series too. Is this a part of westernizing??

PS: I am not against people or against nature. Its just something I didnt like, and am sorry if it hurts someone

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Idiots in Bangalore- Part 1

Taking big gaps in blogging. Everytime I think to write more and everytime I get busy with other things. Leaving this here, and moving it to other blog.

Other than me, there are lakhs of idiots disturbing everything else in Bangalore. Lets start this issue with public itself.. coz you cant put everything on govt everytime, anyway I will get to that point too.

On average every person, from software engineer to those who sell bananas outside the office earn min of 20k every month. The former is whate every one knows, what about the later. Assume the banana wala sells 250 bananas per day. And he charges Rs.3 to Rs.4 per banana counting to 750/- or 1000/- per day. And per month its 22500/- to 30000/-. What more?? they pay no tax. Dont ask me to calculate their investment. 250 bananas will not cost atleast Rs.250. No grudge against them, but things keep going wrong from the very basic level. Moving to bigger wastes of money.

Do really multiplexes facility cost Rs.250 per ticket. No way. We buy their popcorn for 50 which is worth 5 or 10 and the soft drinks for 35 onwards which dont cost more than 5, damn sure. It wasnt the position before. Every thing used to work fine for Rs.50 per ticket to Rs.10 for popcorn. Its just because you are earning more you are paying more. And I bet, many people who know they are not worth that pay are getting the pay and so dont care on the expense. It used to be the time of struggle to get a normal job and try out business. People used to recognize value of money and effort. Now its not the time and money is spent more then water.

Why cant we stop encouraging this meaningless prices and get a line away from idiots? I dont think anyone dies if he doesnt watch a movie in multiplex. Everyone can wait to see it at normal cost in any other theatre or afford to miss the movie. But no. Quoting an example, Inox which used to price Rs.150 priced Rs.250 per ticket for Dhoom2 saying that the distribution cost, effects cost etc. Later it moved the price for Rs.225 and around for other movies. What ever the numbers are, may not be exact, its too much for one to encourage such prices. Assume a family of 5(two children and one extra) going to movie and its Rs.1250, cost of one month food expenses for a person or even cost of one months living outside Bangalore for a poor family.

Its not just the bananas or movies. Its every thing now. For taxis we pay 100 as min which should be 45/- otherwise. We pay bananas that price and buy though we know its huge. We go to movie spending almost a days pay or more for that 3 hours. Reacting and feeling like a victim is not going to solve the problem. The problem needs to be confronted. I promised not to do this atleast as my part. Think again before spending, think if its worth. We make others unnecesarily rich, we let the prices go high and we suffer for every thing later.

Among these spend thrifts, who contribute to the society are very few, hopefully more than the count on fingers. We keep seeing lots of organisations who try to help those in need, and bangalore has lots of both the organisations and the needed. But are all those trying to help sustaining and acheiving the purpose? No, for two reasons. One is the greedy mind in running the org and the greedy earners who fail their duty as a human. Let it be a life that has dignity and meaning for you.

Consider this as an appeal to do your duties. Contribute a days pay or a days effort as human duty. There are many in need of basic needs and many in need of love and friends. Choose your side and work for it.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


God wouldn't Give you the ability to Dream without the ability to make your dreams Come True.

Just the day before yesterday I saw this as my friends status in Gtalk. I just pinged him to say, that was a great quote. You know, he was feeling bad till then coz none acknowledged the quote.

And now I feel its even great if one can keep that statement true. God gave the ability to dream, but how many think to make them true, how many work to get them true and how many get them. Cannot be said in terms of percentages for this huge population. Start calculating. Not even 1% in this 100 crore country are at the second step. Don't say there are reasons, rather the right word is excuses, people are content at what they have. Did you ever try to try hard on what you want to achieve. You keep on compromising or get a mind wash every time you attempt to and you leave the attempt unattempted there. I am one on the same lines.

Yesterday I saw the dream, dream that is dreamt and made true. Its a just a movie for few, a biography for few, an inspiration for few and a thought for few... and meaningless thing for few more. I feel its a inspiring biography. He has every thing which common man has- dreams, very less encouragement and more discouragement, no influential hand. But had a great determination to make his dream come true. I don't say to grow up even by doing illegal things if you have to. Still you have lots to take home and that lot alone is lot more than what you want to achieve your dream. Its a lot of inspiration.

Just a secured feeling doesn't give you a life of satisfaction. At the end you don't see much difference in your burial journey and any others else's. You don't get to choose how you're going to die. Or when. You can only decide how you're going to live. TO LIVE is to live with a purpose.

I know there not even 2% of those who read this makes out a purpose. But its just a feeling that I poured out. Its upto you now.
Live with the purpose that every one has, add +1 to the population and +1 to your family.
Have your own purpose and add +1 to your life's satisfaction level and probably to best achievements some day.

Good Night. Have a nice Dream ;)