Monday, March 05, 2007

going WILD

(Note: I think this is for 13+ only. So go on if you are atleast 13 years old)

Am I seeing it wrong is it going wrong??

Work pressure, mental tensions or other disturbances, I dont know what the reason is. But I see people desperate about/for sex. I cant quote much on female category, but what I heard and saw about male is astonishing. The reasons can be lot more. Intrusion of western culture, early independence to the young, over pay etc. may also be some reasons.

Just see in any park, you do find lots of pairs(I dont want to say what kind of) sitting around. None has the minimum sense that there are others too who come to and thru the park. Lust flowing over love is what you see there. Its ok or normal now in Bangalore for every one. This fact was once a shock, later an interesting news and now its normal.

What more for new paragraph?? Yes it is what made me start this writing. ****k Nagar(sensored so that people of that place dont get hurt) is the place for two incidents I am going to say. I do walk daily from office to home, a road streching 6km and thru *k Nagar. Because of army quarters and office there is a 1km or more free road. I was walking on footpath and few feat ahead of me I saw a person walking, but his hands moving differently. I walked a bit fast than normal to reach the bus stop there. Then I turned back to see what he was doing... and by now you might have understood. He was mastrubating on road !!! I dont know if he was educated or if he lost sense or what ever, but there are people who look ok, who are educated and who still lose sense.

This is one such example. A friend of mine came to me expressing a problem with his room mate(rm). Its not so in India atleast to feel its common. His rm somehow recently got indulged in a gay-ship and is trying it on him. He and rm were good friends, and now they are not. Rm loses more of his friends now who hear this story. Every one feels he's sick and needs a Psychiatrist.

One more story which happened few days back. Lucky me, I am big enough to be secure on my own. This is the second incident I mentioned. I was walking and its just before reaching *k Nagar, a man on activa asked me for a route and I directed him. He offered me lift if I was going in the same direction. I gladly agreed and as we moved on, he started talking so immediately and so much as if we were friends. Later he moved to enquiries on age and sex and every thing else(sensored). I asked him to stop the vehicle, got down. Started walking again...

I think there are lots more such things going on. May be you can see a part 2 or part n of this series too. Is this a part of westernizing??

PS: I am not against people or against nature. Its just something I didnt like, and am sorry if it hurts someone


Anonymous said...

I have been a Bangalorean all my life. Since the time a gained sense of my surroundings, I have seen the culture in Bangalore change in drastic measures. As a kid, I have seen a very orthodox culture that once tabooed even talking to the opposite sex. A time when couples romanced in a way that atleast did'nt disgust others.

Today I see a bangalore that is so very different to what I knew 20 yrs back. A visit the famous Pubs in bangalore make u think twice about the direction we r heading to. I have nothing againt People in love, Pubs or even people who find relationships with the same sex more preferable. I have a Girlfriend myself. And I do visit the Pubs of bangalore quite often with my girl. What is right for me may not be right for the other person. I live my life the way the suites me right. But I do always remember not to hurt other peoples sentiments in the process.

I can understand a boy lovingly holding his girls hand, or a couple hugging each other. There is nothing wrong in expressing ur love to the other person. But I don't agree that U need to run ur hand in all the wrong places on the other person to tell show how much u love them. U have a place to do that. In ur rooms. Not in public places. Who cares what u do in ur own houses. That is ur Personal lives. I have no business commenting abt it. But what u do outside ur house on the streets in ur Public life. It does afftect the other person watching. And I do have all the right to comment on it. Always remember that we live in a society that does have people from a generation that considered even talking to a girl a sin. I dont believe we need to live according to their times and principles. Please. I do things that may not have been acceptable in their times. But I make sure that what I do doesnt hurt them. Or atleast I do not do them in inappropriate places.

To conclude, I believe that freedom to express oneself comes with responsibilities towards the society. A little decency in what ever we do is the respect we show to a society that has provided so much for us. Hold hands dude. But keep ur hands to that. U have other places in privacy where u can do that rest.

Vinil said...

I agree to every point you said. There are limits of what to do in public, and more... you have private places.
As you said Respect to society is right word to use.